Data - YAY For Data


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I am excited to share my incredible Silent Elephant “e” teaching/testing results compiled from the last eight school years. The results are simply amazing!

While tutoring my reading program, I have taught Kindergarteners through high schoolers.

Please keep in mind that I have been teaching the lowest 17-20% of the student population—children that are struggling to learn to read, write and spell and some were staffed in Special Education:

-Children with Dyslexia

-Children with ADD or ADHD

-Children with Speech and Language Disorders

-English Language Learners

-Children with Autism

-Hearing Impaired Children

-Children with Down Syndrome

-Children with Dyspraxia

-Children with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)

-Other Learning Differences


Ready to be impressed by the quick, amazing progress my kiddos are making in a short amount of time?

Over the last eight years, on average, students:

·        Advanced 1 grade level for every 2 months of instruction

·        Advanced to their age-appropriate grade level in 4 months (some in as little as 2.5 months)

·        Advanced 4.5 grade levels with 6 months of instruction

·        Mastered Part 1, Phonemic Awareness within 3 months

In the last eight years, 9 of my students have successfully exited out of Special Education!

This really is special. Being staffed out of special education is pretty much unheard of. All 9 of these students are now competent, confident students, eager about learning and proud of themselves and their accomplishments.

I have been able to support parents and teachers in their decision to refrain from placing a child in special education because the student was being tutored using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”.

I am thrilled to share this data with you!

If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program you’d like to purchase, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson


A Language Arts Program that Delivers What it Promises!

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A Language Arts Program that Delivers what it Promises! 

Recently a father of one of my students I tutor from home said, “I’ve been watching you teach my son this fall. Your reading program is not just the best program for my son because he has dyslexia; it IS THE BEST READING PROGRAM FOR ALL CHILDREN! It just makes sense! 

It does make sense: it teaches them the way they learn and it works! 

His comment made me start thinking about programs I had used while teaching in public education. 

Have you ever thought about just how much money a school district, a charter school, a homeschooling parent pays for their language arts program per year? It can reach millions of dollars! 

Several times during my public school teaching career I was on textbook selection committees. Each committee was composed of dedicated, caring teachers with combined years of experience reaching in the hundreds.

All of us had hopes of finding a reading, writing and spelling program that would meet the needs of all of our students and guide each and every one of them to excel in their learning of language arts. 

We attended curriculum workshops, piloted several programs, attended grade level meetings, and wrote critiques of each program.

In the end, after choosing what we felt was the best curriculum available, we dreamed of guiding and teaching every one of our students to reach their full potential in reading, writing and spelling every school year.

When the new program arrived, we meticulously studied it and then thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared lesson plans and materials. 

We diligently used the program to teach the children in our regular education classrooms, reading specialist classrooms, ELL/ESL classrooms, Title 1 classrooms, special education classrooms, profoundly disabled classrooms, and speech and language classrooms.  

We had children with no learning differences, children learning English, children with learning differences such as ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, autism, Down syndrome, dyspraxia, central auditory processing disorder, hearing and visual differences and more. We had children needing speech and language support, children needing emotional support, children with poor attendance, children routinely missing class to receive medication, children needing help feeding and dressing themselves, children needing occupational therapy—you name it; we had it all. 

What was the cumulative result of all of our best-intentioned efforts put forth to choose the “best” curriculum for all our students?  

At the end of a school year, on average 25% of our students were above grade level, 50% of our students were at grade level, and 25% of our students were below grade level. This was basically the same results we had been having for decades with whatever language arts program we used! It was disheartening, to say the least.  

But now, we don’t have to be disheartened!  

Today educators can teach children the way they learn using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”, A Phonetic Reading Program for ALL Learners of Any Age Particularly Dyslexic or Struggling Readers! They can relax and trust that every child will learn to read, write and spell.  

The proof is here—as I shared in the last Data - Yay For Data blog post! I’m proud of my data. It’s not disheartening.

Back to that father who observed his son beginning to learn to read. When his young 4th grade son began tutoring with me, he had completed 4 years of Montessori school. He told me, “My favorite word is the word “the” because I know I can read it right every time!”

He did not know all the names of the upper and lower case letters, and he did not know all of the sound of the letters. He was frustrated reading at a pre-primer reading level!

After 4 months, he has just finished Part 5 in Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” and is fluently reading and comprehending sentences with affixed short vowel words, consonant digraphs, and beginning and ending consonant blends. This profoundly dyslexic young boy is currently reading at a 3rd grade reading level! He jumped 4 grades levels in 4 months.

His pride and happiness radiate from every part of him as he confidently reads! He is seeing his future very differently than he was 4 months ago.

I am so proud of every one of my students. It is so rewarding to be a part of their success, to watch them begin to see themselves differently, begin to see themselves as a success.

If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program you’d like to look into, feel free to contact us. We have answers for your concerns.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson 

My Dream Come True - No Summer Loss!

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My Dream Came True! 

At the conclusion of each school year during my many years in public education, I looked forward with great anticipation to returning in the fall.

I imagined what it would be like to discover that ALL of my children had returned to class reading at or above the reading level they were reading at on the last day of school. 

That’s what I strived for every day of every year of my teaching career!

My dream finally came true this fall! 

EVERY SINGLE ONE of my children returned reading at or above where they were reading last spring! 

One of my goals when I wrote Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” was to write a reading program that prevents summer loss.

Silent Elephant “e” has proven once again just how powerful a reading program it truly is!

 It teaches children and adults the way they love to learn using their whole body in multi-sensory lessons that move abstract concepts to concrete knowledge. 

THEY ALL own their phonemic awareness and phonics skills!!!! These skills are a part of them for the rest of their lives.  

EVERYONE OF THEM is now FREE to read full speed ahead. I’m so proud of each of my kiddos I could burst!

If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program that will fit your needs, feel free to contact us. We have answers for your concerns.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson

We Transitioned to Zoom Without a Hitch!

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This is Something to Turn Cartwheels About! 

I was feeling so much pride in my students in February when they completed their mid-year assessments. Then in early March I suddenly had to stop tutoring in my home. The parents of my students expressed concern that their progress might falter; I was also concerned. In fact, I was filled with apprehension as I shifted to tutoring my full load of students online with Zoom.  

As the school year began to come to an end, I had questions about just how well my students had progressed because of these changes. It is difficult to maintain the same personal contact with a child through a computer screen. 

I was both nervous and eager to begin end of year assessments.  

Here’s what I found:

Even with the change of format and the stress within their young lives this last 3 months, they continued to make significant progress in reading, writing and spelling.  

With trepidation I began my assessments with two of my most profoundly dyslexic students. 

Truthfully, I was nervous. I was afraid they may have plateaued, or even worse, regressed. I didn’t think they had, but the assessments would show the truth. I was nervous. 

As my first student began to move through the assessments with clear confidence I began to relax. As he finished, my heart was singing. He had NOT plateaued, or regressed, he had made a solid gain from 6th grade level to 8th grade since the last assessment in February.  

I felt much more excited than nervous as I began the assessment with my other extremely dyslexic student. I shouldn’t have worried; she has also made solid gains since February. 

Both of these bright happy students are so confident, eager and proud of their progress. They both want to continue tutoring through the summer. They are ready for more success.   

My mind slides back to only 14 months ago to the young boy who had no clue about phonemic awareness and was struggling at a pre-primer level in reading as a third grader. Now he is reading at a beginning 8th grade level going into 5th grade! The young girl who is profoundly dyslexic also had no clue about phonemic awareness and was struggling at a pre-primer level in reading when she began tutoring with me. Now she is reading on a solid 3rd grade level going into 4th grade.  

This is something to turn cartwheels about. 

And I give the credit of their success to

Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”. 

Even with all the changes that we and our children have faced in the last few months, their progress in Silent Elephant “e” remained stable because the program is systemic, progressive, multi-sensory—it teaches the way they love learning. When they move through Silent Elephant “e”, their success is a given.  

If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program that will fit your needs, feel free to contact us. We have answers for your concerns.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson

What Are Your Plans For Next Year

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Planning for Next Year—Now’s the time! 

This is one of my favorite times of the year. 

The sun is warm, the flowers are bursting out. It could be the perfect time of year.  

Within this past year I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you at conferences and/or visiting with you on the phone and/or through emails as I shared Silent Elephant “e”

I have many fond memories of our discussions. You had thoughtful questions. You were eager to learn about Silent Elephant “e” and how it could be an answer to many of your concerns.  

Since then, I have often thought about those thought-provoking conversations. I so appreciate your dedication and love of your children—whether your own beautiful sons and daughters you are teaching at home, those you are tutoring, or that classroom of sweet faces that you greet every morning.   

As April finds me smiling and enjoying the blooming tulips and cherry trees so fresh and ready for the sun, it also finds my mind leaping ahead. 

With these fresh eyes, my mind begins to envision the next year. 

I know I’m like you – we see the smiling happy faces of the children we love. We envision our children/students striding easily with self-pride through the next school year. We feel our hopes and dreams for them. We see them gaining vital information and skills to carry them successfully forward. 

We imagine them in their future—happy, successful, confident.  

While everything is fresh in my mind at this time of year, I love reflecting over the school year. My reflections guide my decisions about how I’ll actually accomplish my hopes and dreams for next year.  

Although it’s exciting to plan for the coming year, I must plan carefully right now. I encourage you to do the same: plan carefully right now. 

You want to begin next fall fully equipped—feeling like there is no question that you will be achieving your dreams for your children.  

This makes stopping, reflecting and considering purchasing Silent Elephant “e” an important step to take.  

You want to procure the BEST materials to accomplish exactly what you intend! 

I wrote Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” to be THE BEST phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling program! 

I wrote it to be the program that I always wished I had had throughout my years of teaching:

·       One that would teach me everything I needed to know in order to be the BEST, most effective educator.

·       One that would ensure that ALL, let me say that again, ALL of my students would quickly, successfully and confidently learn to read, write and spell at or above grade level. 

I wrote Silent Elephant “e” for you too! 

My years of data compilation prove that Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” truly is the BEST phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling program! 

With Silent Elephant “e” you can expect your children to:

·       Advance 1 grade level for every 2 months of instruction

·       Advance to their age-appropriate grade level in 4 months (some in as little as 2.5 months)

·       Advance 4.5 grade levels with 6 months of instruction

·       Master Part 1, Phonemic Awareness within 3 months

Then there is this statistic that always fills my heart with pride: in the last five years, 9 of my students have successfully exited out of Special Education!

This really is special. Being staffed out of special education is pretty much unheard of. All 9 of these students are now competent, confident students, eager about learning and proud of themselves and their accomplishments.

I have been able to support parents and teachers in their decision to refrain from placing a child in special education because the student was being tutored using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”

Are you visualizing your children’s heads held high, eyes sparkling with confidence, faces full of self-pride?

I am! I know you are! 

I also know that right now, at this time of the year, you have questions. You are wondering what to do differently next year. 

Call us! We have expertise in teaching ALL students including gifted, at-risk and dyslexic. 

Together we will sort through your questions, lay out a plan to achieve your hopes and dreams, and see if Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” would be the best fit for these plans. 

We will love visiting with you!

If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program that will fit your needs, contact us. We have answers for your concerns.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson

Set Yourself Up For Success - For Relaxed and Confident Teacher and Learning

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Relaxed and Confident Teaching 

When I’m teaching children with Silent Elephant “e”, I feel relaxed and confident that every detail has been taken care of. 

Of course, I know that I wrote Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” to do just that. 

I wrote Silent Elephant “e” to be THE program that sequentially addresses reading from phonemic awareness forward leaving nothing to chance. I wrote it to be easy to teach with. And even though I wrote it, I have to say that I LOVE the calm and confident feeling I have that the exact learning needs of those I tutor will without question be met. 

Silent Elephant “e” makes it easy for you to meet the individual learning differences, developmental levels and needs of all your students.  

I have mentioned before that I have used multiple reading, writing and spelling programs during my teaching career in public education and that I NEVER felt 100% confident in any of those programs. Every program always had several weak spots.

Therefore, I wrote Silent Elephant “e” to be THE program for reading, writing and spelling—THE program that teaches children and adults to read, write and spell the way they learn using experiential lessons that stimulate all parts of the brain—lessons that engage all learners. This is especially important for students who are dyslexic or struggling in any way.

I wrote Silent Elephant “e” to be THE program with NO WEAK SPOTS.

My hope for you is that you have this same feeling of ease and sureness that I feel when teaching with Silent Elephant “e”.

Now is the perfect time to ask yourself questions to explore just how confident you are feeling about your reading, writing and spelling programs whether you are teaching a classroom, homeschooling or tutoring.  

If you are concerned about the program you are using, about how you are teaching, or are wondering how you can be more effective this year than last, contact us.

We can help you ensure that every student in your care is successful.

P. S. The fact that 9 children are no longer on the special education roles makes me proud enough to pop and then add to them all the other students whose lives that have been completely changed because of Silent Elephant “e”. I can’t stop smiling when I think about it.

It makes me stop and realize just what an amazing program Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” is!

I’m so proud of it. I’m so glad I took those 1000s of hours to write it for you, for me and for all the students in our care.

If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program that will fit your needs, feel free to contact us. We have answers for your concerns.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson

We Created A Workshop Just For You

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We Created A Workshop to Make Sure You Know Exactly How Silent Elephant “e” works -

Your Success is Importance to Us  

With the goal of ensuring our children’s and students’ success in mind, I designed a comprehensive 9-hour online workshop so I can effectively instruct you on how to teach Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” right from the comfort of your own home.  

You will learn how fun and easy it is to ensure that your children and students are thoroughly and systematically learning phonemic awareness and phonics quickly while having fun – even electronically. 

During our 9 hours togetherl (click here for details), we will cover everything you need to begin teaching anyone from preschoolers to adults to read, write and spell with Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”, A Phonetic Reading Program for ALL Learners of Any Age Particularly Dyslexic or Struggling Readers! 

With Silent Elephant “e”, everything you need will be at your fingertips. You’ll have the textbook, posters, picture book and videos as your incredible teaching tools with precisely sequenced, step-by-step, easy to follow directions guiding you to ensure the success of ALL of your students at their personal pace. During the workshop, we will cover how I use all of these components to ensure the success of my students.  

It’s important to me that you know the quality of the program you will be learning and teaching. Let’s review some of my Silent Elephant “e” data. 

These are some of the outcomes you can expect with students of all ages with all types of learning differences:

·       Progress one full year in reading with every 2 months of instruction with just two one-hour sessions per week

·       Advance to their age-appropriate grade level in 4 months (some in as little as 2.5 months)

·       Advance 4.5 grade levels with 6 months of instruction

·       Master Part 1, Phonemic Awareness within 3 months.


Just think—because you will be teaching your kiddos every day, not just two days a week, you could double their learning and progress! 

More data that makes my heart sing:

·       Our Silent Elephant “e” students’ lives begin to change immediately. ALL students begin to experience success right away. Even within the first couple of weeks of tutoring, profoundly dyslexic learners and struggling learners begin to feel differently about themselves and begin seeing themselves as able and successful readers, writers and spellers.

·       In the last eight years, 9 of my students have successfully exited out of Special Education! I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: this is unheard of! 

This short workshop will take you from:

“I’m not sure how to teach reading, spelling and writing.

What if I mess up?

What if they don’t learn?”


“This is doable.

I have the tools.

I have the knowledge.

I CAN successfully teach reading, writing and spelling while having lots of FUN.

My children and students will become successful readers, writers and spellers.

I KNOW where to go for support.

I’ve got this!

What a relief!”  

When you have completed the workshop, I will certify you as an instructor of Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”. 

You will be able to confidently and easily teach not only your own children and students, but you will be certified to tutor hundreds of children and adults. You can begin your own tutoring business from home! 

Click here to see our workshop page.

Last thought—I always want to be available to promptly answer your questions, but if I’m tutoring, I’ll refer you to my editor and colleague Nina Henson.  She taught with me for twenty-five years. She knows Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” in her sleep!  

You can email me at or call me at 208-859-4406 or call Nina at 208-860-3125 or email her at

We look forward to helping relieve some of the stress of this time by helping you relax and achieve success in teaching reading, writing and spelling using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” with every child your heart touches! 

You are in our hearts and our minds. You are important to us! 

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones Nina Henson