have fun teaching phonemic awareness and phonics the way they learn
We understand the feeling because we’ve been there.
You’re standing in front of your class as the year begins looking into a room of sweet faces knowing that sitting there in front of you are many ways of learning. It’s daunting.
Some will have no problems and learn quickly. Others will need more time or may need a different approach. Still others may struggle because they are ELL/ESL, dyslexic or have other learning differences.
You stand there on this first day with this challenge in front of you - ALL of them MUST LEARN.
We know the feeling. It can be a little overwhelming.
This is where Silent Elephant “e” ® comes in.
No matter their learning differences, Silent Elephant “e” ® teaches the way their brains learn using multi-sensory, whole-body activities in every lesson.
Silent Elephant “e” ® does the differentiation for you! Each focused phonics lesson has three levels of complexity providing an opportunity to meet the needs of ALL learners, preschoolers through adults, from a non-reader to a struggling reader to a gifted reader in a whole group setting, in a small group setting, or in a on-on-one setting.
Level 1 - through 6th grade reading level
Level 2 - through 9th grade reading level
Level 3 - through 12th grade reading level, ready for college
When you teach reading, writing, and spelling with Silent Elephant “e” ®, you’ll hardly notice your students’ learning differences as they’ll all develop solid, strong phonemic awareness and phonics skills.
All of them will be learning the way their brains love to learn.
You will find that those with no learning differences or learning struggles will fly - achieving many grade levels quickly.
You may find some of your students may need to move more slowly and need more repetition. We have included extensive word lists and multi-leveled practice pages.
You will discover that Silent Elephant “e” ® provides a vital AT HOME COMPONENT consisting of Letters to Parents and At Home Practice pages for every phonics lesson. This parent component reinforces and solidifies what the child mastered in class.
What I would have given, as a first-year teacher, to have had Phonemic Awareness with Silent Elephant “e”™ as my phonemic awareness and phonics reading program. I would have felt competent to meet the needs of ALL my students because Silent Elephant “e” ® teaches children the way they learn.
Silent Elephant “e” ® uses explicit instruction in phonemic awareness followed by precise, systematic, multi-sensory instruction in phonics.
It’s the precise, sequential, language-based reading program that ensures ALL children develop automaticitiy and fluency by the end of second grade. It is the program for dyslexic learners, ELL/ESL learners and anyone with or without learning differences of any age.
Our data tells the story.
Let’s look at 12 years of results! They are amazing!
Over the last 12 years, on average, dyslexic and struggling students have:
Advanced 1 grade level for every 2.8 months of instruction (Think of this: my students are not taking a school year to advance 1 grade level - they’re advancing multiple grade levels in 1 year.)
Advanced to their age appropriate grade level in 9.9 months (some in as little as 2.5 months)
Advanced 4 grade levels with 6 months of instruction
Mastered Part 1, Phonemic Awareness within 3 months
This data is based on an average of 1.5 - 2 hours of instruction per week.
In the last 12 years, 11 of my students have successfully exited special education.
Also, I have been able to support parents and teachers in their decision to refrain from placing a child in special education because the student was being tutored using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”®.
When your students complete Silent Elephant “e” ®, they will be skilled readers with the tools to read any word in any genre. They’ll love to read!
“A sweet, little girl began her third grade school year reading two years below grade level. Her family speaks Spanish at home and she struggles remembering letter sounds and blends. She was very withdrawn and shy about reading aloud. She had no confidence in her ability. As she worked with Linda Smith-Jones’ Reading Program for just the last four months of the year, her confidence grew and so did her word attack and fluency. She is now a confident reader and a much more willing participant in classroom learning. Her fluency has gone from 34 WPM to 89 WPM and as a result her comprehension level has made wonderful growth also. ”