
Developing Fluency by Catching a Wave and Spreading Peanut Butter!

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Developing Fluency by Catching a Wave and Spreading Peanut Butter! 

I bet that title piqued your interest. 😊 

As you know, fluency is an important component in comprehension. If a reader can’t read words or sentences smoothly enough for their brain to pick up the concepts presented, they are left feeling frustrated and wondering what they’ve read.  

Here are a couple of fun imagery ideas I suggest to my kiddos to use to improve their fluency. These have proven to be very popular with my kids and are very successful in helping them improve fluency and, therefore, comprehension.  

After I teach phraseology (Phraseology in Categories) to my children and have given them time to practice and gain confidence in their newly learned skill, I tell them I have another fun technique to further increase their fluency.  

“Have you ever gone surfboarding or watched someone surfboard?” I inquire.  

I see their eyes spark with interest and curiosity. Playing with their curiosity, we jump on the computer and search surfing to learn about surfing and to try to imagine what surfing would feel like. We talk about how smooth the board is flowing with the wave and how surfers have to quickly gain and keep their balance, or they’ll fall right off their boards.  

“Can you imagine what it would be like to catch a wave, keep your balance while standing on that floating surfboard and ride it smoothly all the way to the shore?” 

They are alive with the fun of our exploration and are wondering what it has to do with their reading.  

Imagine yourself surfing as you read a sentence. Feel yourself climbing on your board as you look at the capital letter and the first word. Feel how you catch the wave of the words and while keeping your balance, off you go riding it to the end.” 

We take this imagery of smoothly riding a wave a step further by having them actually feel their smoothness when reading a real sentence.  

“Let’s imagine surfing a sentence again. Feel yourself climbing on your board, gaining your balance with the first word, and then catching that wave. Feel yourself balancing tall and steady and riding the word wave right to the end mark.”  

I ask them, “How did that feel?” 

They always have many answers, but all their answers share their relief and fun. They are impressed with how easy it is to ride the word wave when they are balanced at the beginning. It’s a delight to watch them relaxing with their fluency with this fun technique.  

I tell them, “Now that you have the feeling of surfing your sentence smoothly to the end, your reading fluency will just naturally improve. That’s exciting!” 

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And now for peanut butter and fluency. 😊 

I start by talking about smooth peanut butter. “Do you like peanut butter? How do you like to eat and enjoy peanut butter?  

We act out spreading peanut butter. “Let’s imagine getting a BIG GLOB of peanut butter on a knife and smoothly spreading it on a delicious slice of bread. Feel how it spreads so easily, so smoothly. 

“Now picture yourself spreading peanut butter as you read a sentence. Imagine putting your BIG GLOB of your favorite smooth peanut butter on the first word and then spreading it smoothly, without stopping, clear to the end mark. 

“Now, let’s read a sentence. Pretend you are putting that BIG GLOB down on the first word and spreading it to the end mark as you read. Feel how smooth you are.” 

This imagery always makes them giggle and say, “YUM!” 

We play with these two fluency techniques for a couple of weeks during which time I ask them if they are thinking up any other fun ways we can imagine, feel and read more smoothly. 

It’s always a pleasure to hear their new ideas.  

And it’s always a pleasure to hear your new ideas. Please pass them on and we will share them.  

My next blog post shares some research on how our brains work to develop fluency. It’s interesting! 

If you have any nagging questions about fluency and comprehension, just contact us.  

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                  Nina Henson 

An Interesting Discovery About Our Brains and Fluency

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An Interesting Discovery About Our Brains and Fluency 

After we’ve spent a couple of weeks having fun imagining surfing the word wave through a sentence and/or spreading peanut butter from the capital letter to the end mark to develop fluency, I’m ready to teach them a new concept to even further improve their fluency. 

I share that I discovered something very interesting about how everyone’s brains work. 

“When we begin to read a sentence in a choppy manner, such as: ‘I saw - a big - dog - in - the park’, we send a message to our brain that we will continue to read the rest of the sentence in that same choppy manner. Since our brain received that message, we continue like this: ‘playing - with - a little boy - and girl - with - a frisbee.’ 

“The whole sentence will sound like this: ‘I saw - a big - dog - in - the park - playing - with - a little boy - and girl - with - a frisbee.’” 

I ask them how that sentence sounds when read that way. They always have answers such as, “Not good. It’s too choppy. You sound like a robot, not a real person.” 

We discuss that when we hear or read a sentence in that way, it can be difficult to stay with the meaning of the sentence. In other words, our comprehension of what we are hearing or reading is slowed way down.  

I continue sharing, “It also works the other way around. When we begin to read the first three or four words in a sentence in a smooth manner, we send a message to our brain that we are going to read the rest of the sentence in that same smooth manner. 

“The whole sentence will sound like this: ‘I saw a big dog in the park playing with a little boy and girl with a frisbee.’”

We take a moment to realize and discuss that hearing or reading that sentence in a smooth way makes it easy to understand, to comprehend.  

I continue, “The control we have over how our brain works is amazing! By just reading the first three or four words in a sentence in a smooth manner, we truly send a message to our brain that we are going to read the rest of the sentence in a smooth manner.” 

I tell them, “You are going to be amazed at how much your reading fluency will increase just by sending this message of reading smoothly to your brain every time you begin to read a sentence! 

“Now, let’s practice our newest reading fluency tool together as we read a sentence.  

After they have practiced this new tool with a few sentences I have them reflect, “Did you notice that by just realizing this science fact about how your brain helps you relax into reading the rest of the sentence smoothly, you actually did read smoothly?”  

They are always so pleased to realize how smoothly they read and how well they understood what they read.  

It’s fun to begin this lesson by recording a child who reads in a choppy manner reading a sentence. After you have taught this skill and they are feeling strong with concentrating on just reading the first three or four words smoothly, record them again. 

You and they will be amazed at the improvement! They will love how easy it is to increase their fluency and comprehension. 

You and your students will have fun using this technique on unfamiliar sentences also to prove to yourself and to them that just by initially reading the first three or four words smoothly, their brain will send a message to read the entire sentence smoothly. 

Now one more small and powerful step, as your kids develop this skill and after you have taught them what a verb is, their fluency will increase even further when they concentrate on reaching the verb smoothly, as the rest of the sentence will just flow! 

Have fun with these techniques! Watch how their fluency scores on school tests such as Dibles shoot up. 😊 And, more importantly, enjoy how they are comprehending all they are reading.  

I’d love for you to share your experience with me! 

If you have any questions about fluency and comprehension, please contact us.  

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                  Nina Henson

Buttons are Popping!

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Buttons are Popping!

I’ve been walked around with a big smile for days.
As the schools have been doing their winter assessing using Dibles (a timed reading assessment), I have been receiving several emails and phone calls from parents of children I am tutoring this past week. ‘My parents’ are so proud of their kiddos and want to share the tremendous improvement their children are making.

Now, it’s my turn to share. 😊

A parent of a profoundly dyslexic daughter with ADD sent me an email to tell me that her daughter had gone from 58 to 98 wpm since this past fall. Mom was so proud!

A 4th grade parent called to tell me that her son went from 64 wpm to 111 wpm. This young man needs to gain only 14 wpm by early June. He will do it! I have no doubts!

Another parent of a 3rd grader I am presently tutoring, called me this past week to tell me that her daughter went from 46 wpm this fall to 148 wpm! She has already met her grade level goal!

More good news arrived about another 3rd grade boy I’m tutoring. He scored 57 wpm this fall and just last week scored 161 wpm surpassing the 3rd grade goal!

A 2nd grade boy went from 28 wpm this fall to 97 wpm last week!

A Kindergartener is already reading at a First Reader level!

I even received this email from the parent of one of my former students who recently graduated from Silent Elephant “e”. “Thought you would be happy to hear about ‘Elizabeth’s’ reading improvement. (She is a third grader with degenerative hearing loss.) Elizabeth scored 58 wpm during fall Dibles (was nervous), but last week for winter Dibles she read 121 wpm! The goal is 110 wpm by the end of the year. We are so excited!! She is really enjoying reading now too!

I love that “my parents” are so proud of their young ones that they eagerly contact me to share.

I am so grateful that ‘my parents’ trust me to be a part of their children’s education.

I am extremely proud of each and every one of my kiddos!
I can't quit smiling!

If you have any questions about Silent Elephant “e”, contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones Nina Henson

“Existentialism” - the Power of Dividing Words into Syllables

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“Existentialism” - the Power of Dividing Words into Syllables

After one year of instruction with Silent Elephant “e”, one of my 11-year-olds bounced into tutoring excited to tell me that she had checked out a book on philosophy at the public library.

I tried not to show my surprise.

She enthusiastically shared that she had decoded the word existentialism.

I asked her, “How did you sound out the word existentialism”?

She proudly replied, “I used ALL the things you taught me about sounding out words - - dividing words into syllables with purple lines, looking for prefixes and suffixes, finding schwas - - you know!”

I was quite amazed, as a year prior, this young lady wasn’t reading at a first-grade level!

I quizzed her, “What does existentialism mean?”

She answered confidently, “It means I have free choice. Now that you have taught me to read, I can be anything I want to be!”

Tears filled my eyes as I gave her a big hug and told her how proud I was of her.

Even now, my eyes fill with tears just thinking about her pride and her feeling of freedom that she had never experienced before.

Keep a song in your heart!

If you have further questions about phonics, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                         Nina Henson

You Get Two Desserts Tonight!

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You Get Two Desserts Tonight! 

Last week while tutoring on Zoom, I sat watching one of my fifth-grade boys attentively and accurately add colors to all of the words on his last worksheet in Part 13. Each of eight colors I use in Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” has a specific phonetic purpose much as diacritical markings do in the dictionary.  

“Carl” was marking prefixes, marking suffixes, marking root words, marking consonant digraphs, marking consonant blends, marking consonant twins, marking the sounds of “c’s” and “g’s”, marking all vowel diacritical markings, dividing words into syllables and putting in accent marks. I was filled with delight! 

When “Carl” first came to me for tutoring almost two years ago, he was at an instructional primer reading level. He is now at a 9th grade reading level. Besides being profoundly dyslexic, he has another learning difference and a behavioral challenge.  

As I watch him now - so calm, so in control, so meticulous – I am in awe! His reading of words flows smoothly and quickly with expression! His comprehension is outstanding for a ten-year-old! He is excelling with Silent Elephant “e”!  

With a look of pride and love on my face, I said, “You’re awesome! You’re brilliant, Carl! Tell Mom I said you get two desserts tonight!”  

We laughed! 

Presently I have 3 children completing the last lesson in Part 13! Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” is changing so many children’s lives! 

If you have further questions about phonics, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson 

A Challenging Suffix - worksheet included

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A Challenging Suffix - worksheet included 

Recently, I have had three of my students advance into Silent Elephant “e”, Part 14, Level 1. It is an exciting time for my kiddos, their parents and me, as their teacher!  

When children have progressed to this level in Silent Elephant “e”, they are reading at a 6th grade reading level or above, no matter their chronological age. They are impressive, confident readers! 

They have previously mastered Syllable Rule #1, which is in Part 13: Every syllable has one vowel sound.  

Part 14 begins with Syllable Rule #5: Divide words into syllables between the root/base word and the suffix if the suffix has a vowel sound.

 Children have no difficulty understanding that the suffix -s never has its own syllable and the suffix -ed does not have its own syllable when it makes the /d/ or /t/ sound, as there is no vowel sound. 

To begin Syllable Rule #5 lesson, I teach them many new suffixes, the new suffixes’ pronunciations and the new suffixes’ definitions. Below is the suffix list included in Part 14

List of Suffixes, Pronunciations, and Definitions

-able, -ible /Ə bƏl/ able to, likely

-age /Əj/ action or process, collection, aggregate, state

-al /Əl/, -ial /Əl/, -ual /ū Əl/ characteristic of, referring to

-an, -ian /Ən/ and /ē Ən/ places, person

-ance. -ence /Əns/ used to form nouns, action, quality or state, end

-ant /Ənt/ forms adjectives and nouns from verbs

-ar /Ər/ characteristic of

-ary /âr ē/, /Ər ē/ back, connected with, for the purpose of

-ate /Ət/ state or quality

-ation, -ition, -sion, -tion, -ion /ā shƏn/, /i shƏn/, /shƏn/, /chƏn/, /zhƏn/, /Ən/ meaning

action, state, result, process

-ed /d/, /t/, /Əd/ past tense of verbs

-en /Ən/ cause to be, become, made of

-ence /Əns/ state or condition, action

-end /Ənd/ back, forming nouns

-er, -or /Ər/ one who does; compare 2 things

-ery, -ry /Ər-ē/ and /rē / forming nouns, indicating a place, collection, action, quality

-ess /Əs/ forms feminine nouns

-est /Əst/ comparing 3 or more things

-ful /fƏl/ full of, tending to

-fy /fī/ make, cause

-hood /h short double “oo” d/ state, condition, nature

-ic /Ək/ like, having characteristics of

-ing /Əng/ present participle of verbs

-ish /Əsh/ forms adjectives from nouns

-ism /i zƏm/ form actions nouns from verbs

-ist /Əst/doer, learner, person, noun

-ity /Ə tē/, -ty /tē/ state of

-ive /Əv/, -ative, -itive /Ə tƏv/ like

-le /Əl/ and /l/ forming nouns, forming adjectives, added to the end of verbs, repeated action, apt to

-less /lƏs/ lacking, without

-ly /lē/ like, characteristic of

-ment /mƏnt/ result, action, process

-ness /nƏs/ with, quality or state

-ous /Əs/, -ious Əs/, /Əs/ full of

-s /s/, /z/, -es /Əz/ plurals, more than one

-um /Əm/, –ium / ē Əm/ suffixes that create a noun

-ure /yƏr/ action, function, result

-ward /wƏrd/ spatial or temporal direction

-wise /wīz/ direction of

-y /ē/ characterized by 

My students comfortably and confidently learn these suffixes. 

However, there is one suffix, the -ion suffix with its many variations, that seems to be a snafu to hinder their otherwise rapid learning and retention of the lengthy list of suffixes.  

-ion, -tion, -sion, -ation, and -ition make multiple sounds: 

-ion:  /Ən/

-tion: /shƏn/, /chƏn/

-sion: /shƏn/, /chƏn/, /zhƏn/

-ation: /ā shƏn/

-ition: /i shƏn/

 I thought perhaps you might have experienced this same challenge when teaching your kiddos the -ion suffix. I have an extra practice page for my students on this suffix and its multiple variances. Below you will find this worksheet. Please feel free to use it with your kiddos. 


Name _________________________                                                                 Date_____________________






Lesson on the suffixes -ation, -ition, -sion, -tion, -ion /ā shƏn/,

/i shƏn/, /shƏn/, /chƏn/, /zhƏn/, /Ən/ meaning action, state, result,



Add the suffix to the verb root word changing the word to a noun.


Directions: suffixes:                      circle with green

                  root word:                   underline with brown

                  vowels:                       mark all vowels with red.

                  syllables:                    divide with a purple, slash line


Please discuss word meanings.


                   Verb                                        Noun


  1. vacate  ______________        

  2. conclude             ______________           3. repeat   ______________

  4. reduce                 ______________           5. imagine  ______________

When my students complete Part 14, Level 1, they are at a seventh to eighth grade reading level, when my students complete Part 14, Level 2, they are at a ninth to tenth grade reading level, and when my students complete Part 14, Level 3, they are at a college reading level!


Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” truly is an amazing reading program for preschoolers to adults!


If you have further questions about phonics, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson 

Learning Syllables Involves Their Whole Body 😊

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Learning Syllables Involves Their Whole Body 😊 

You know those big bouncy balls with handles that are FUN for young AND old while outside on a beautiful day? 

Have you ever thought of using an amusing bouncy ball as an educational tool? 

Now I have your attention, don’t I? Sometimes the most unexpected things help children learn and process what they are learning more quickly.  

This is true of bouncing around on a big bouncy ball.  

When my students begin Part 13 of Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”, which, along with Part 14, teaches the eight rules for dividing words into syllables, I always share teaching ideas with parents to do at home that are enjoyable and educational to help children not only hear the syllables in words but also to FEEL the syllables. 

You can begin helping your children hear and feel syllables in the language they are learning when they are as young as two years old. Below are some fun activities that help them internalize feeling and hearing syllables using their whole body.  

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Blow up large balloons for everyone. As you begin to play with your balloon, tapping it in the air to keep it aloft, begin saying your child’s name in syllables. Using their name attracts their attention and they begin to wonder why you are saying it the way you are. Tap their name over and over, then tap your name (yes, it can be Mom, Dad, Mommy, Daddy), tap the names of the rest of your family and everyone playing with you, returning often to their name.  

Let this game progress into words you and they enjoy and move to tapping compound words that they are familiar with like cupcake or doghouse. Progress to three syllable, fun, picturesque words they know, such as: butterfly, caterpillar, chocolate, spaghetti. You will see their eyes light up and their ears cock to listen. So COOL! 

Enjoy watching their curiosity grow as you play with words and the balloons. They will be excited to come up with words on their own to tap. They won’t even realize that they are understanding their blossoming language on a deeper level and beginning their reading skills.  

When I had my own classroom of students, I’d team up with another teacher to introduce syllables to my kiddos. We’d meet in the gym. The older children are amazing balloon blowers and excellent partners for younger children. Again, I have children begin by tapping the syllables in their name, as their name is so personal and meaningful to them. Then I’d move to compound words and then to two and three syllable words that create clear vivid pictures in their minds. 

When I brought my kiddos back to our classroom from the gym, we’d tug on rubber bands to continue exploring hearing and FEELING syllables. Rubber bands also make a great educational tool when we are teaching syllables on-line! 

Let’s get back to that big bouncy ball – after your kids are beginning to hear and feel the syllables as you and they tap balloons in the air and tug rubber bands, you can take them into experiencing syllables with their WHOLE body with the big bouncy ball.  

The experience of saying words in syllables out loud, listening to themselves saying the words in syllables while their whole body bounces with those syllables stimulates all parts of the brain.  

And though they will be having a great time, it won’t be JUST fun!

 They won’t even realize they are assimilating part of phonics at deeper and deeper levels.  

Thinking of syllables and FEELING them in the words we say, makes me realize I want to draw your attention to a more structured learning note for you and your kiddos.  

Along with all of this fun, we do need to teach our students to listen carefully and learn all the number of syllables in words, especially words that we tend to say so quickly we connect syllables, such as the word “different”. “Different” has 3 syllables (dif- er- ent). “Temperature” has 4 syllables (tem-per-a-ture). “Camera” has 3 syllables (cam-er-a). 

If you are not sure exactly how many syllables a word has, do a quick Google search or look up the word(s) in the dictionary with your child. Practice the correct number of syllables with rubber bands, balloons or that fun bouncy ball, as mispronounced words will cause confusion when learning to spell words and on standardized tests. 

Here are a few words to carefully teach by stressing the correct number of syllables: camera, different, difference, every, everything, general, interest, really, temperature, usually. 

Have FUN with this whole-body experiential learning of syllables! You will enjoy it as much as they; there will be lots of laughter.


If you have further questions about phonics, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson

Helium Filled Balloons Add Another Dimension to Syllables!

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Helium Filled Balloons Add Another Dimension to Syllables! 

Remember how we taught our kiddos to actually feel syllables by tapping balloons in the air? In my blog post entitled Learning Syllables Involves Their Whole Body, I shared tapping a balloon in the air for each syllable as they say a word. As you can imagine, this is a popular whole-body activity that helps them internalize the feeling of syllables.  

Let’s take the balloon idea a step further to activate even more parts of their brains after they have achieved the initial step of actually feeling and hearing syllables. 

Let’s advance to teaching children to read multisyllabic words.  

I begin with compound words.  

Compounds words are thoroughly taught in Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”, Part 9. However, I do introduce the easiest concept of compound words – two words being pushed together with no finger space – as early as the 67th sight word (into) in the Fry List. It’s just natural to begin teaching 2 syllable words with compound words and I begin this concept with helium balloons. Again, as you can imagine, this activity is a hit. It takes their learning into different parts of their brain. 

Ideally, I would give each child two helium filled balloons, one for each hand. In a classroom, the cost is a bit prohibitive, so I have the kids team up with their reading partners. Since they understand partner work, the child without the balloons knows they are the teacher in that moment and are listening carefully to their partner. (I’ve seen helium balloons as low as $.99/ balloon at Party City.) 

Here are my lesson instructions:

1.    Provide each child a list of compound words and/or write them on the whiteboard. (See below for a beginning list.)

2.    Tell children to release one balloon right above their heads as they read the first word in the compound word.

3.    Then have them read the second word in the compound word as they release their second balloon.

4.    After they have read the compound word and the balloons are floating above their heads, have them sequentially reach up and pull the balloons back to themselves as they reread the whole word focusing on listening and saying each word within the compound word.

5.    Ask them how it felt to let the balloon go free to float above their heads when they read the first word.

6.    Guide them to understand that letting one balloon go for the first word relaxes their mind/brain so they can confidently focus on and read the second word. This helps them realize and feel that even though the whole compound word may have looked so long at first, by focusing on the first word as they release its balloon, it becomes easy for them to focus on the second word in the compound.

7.    Praise them for being awesome readers of really long words! 

You can bring back the helium balloons as you continue teaching division of multisyllabic words when you introduce

·       Prefixes, root words and suffixes (Parts 4-14) and

·       Open and closed syllables using the VCCV, VCCCV, VCV and VV rules (Part 14)

After they have the feeling of syllables within words using the real balloons, we begin pretending we have balloons as we practice more multisyllabic words.  

I remind the children to release their real and/or imaginary balloons within arm’s reach, so when they are ready to read the entire word, they can sequentially reach up and pull each syllable balloon back down into their hands as they reread the word. Most often, once they have pulled down syllable balloon number one and number two, the rest of the word just pops into their mind! It’s exciting! 

Often times, my severely and profoundly dyslexic children are filled with fear when they have to read a long word. This balloon “work” guides them to see and feel compound words, root words, prefixes, suffixes and open and closed syllables. This whole-body activity helps them relax and gain control and confidence in their reading of multisyllabic words.  

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Here are some simple compound words to begin with: into, upon, something, somewhere, someplace, backpack, homemade, paperboy, housepaint, grandmother, grandfather, eyesight, lifelike, football, cakewalk, shortcut, cookbook, without, racecar, and nightstand

Have fun teaching rules for syllabification as you watch smiles of success spread on your children’s faces both from the fun of the balloons and the realization that they “get it”. Reading those long words just got easier.

If you have any questions about teaching syllables or Silent Elephant “e” contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones Nina Henson