What’s a 504 Plan, Why You Want One, and How to Begin

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What’s a 504 Plan, Why You Want One, and How to Begin 

I have always suggested that parents and teachers strive to keep dyslexic children in a regular classroom setting with accommodations stipulated on a 504 Plan. 

A 504 Plan is a plan for how a public school will provide support for a child in the regular classroom setting and remove barriers that hinder that child’s participation and learning. Parents, the child if old enough, the psychologist, the classroom teacher and an administrator write this plan to support your child’s success in the regular classroom.  

Remember, most dyslexic people are bright or gifted! Therefore, usually a dyslexic child does not need placement in a special education classroom, but they DO need accommodations such as extra time to process printed materials, extra time for tests, testing in a quiet environment, essay tests with no deductions for spelling and grammar, no true/false tests, no multiple-choice tests, etc. 

Begin your 504 Plan process by asking your child to carefully think about what it is like for him/her in their classroom. Ask questions such as: 

Have you ever thought of where you would most like to sit in a classroom to help you learn best? 

Is noise distracting to you? 

Would you like a list of content vocabulary at the beginning of a new unit of study?  

Is it hard to take notes in class when copying from the board? Would you like the teacher’s notes provided to you before class? 

Do you feel you need your assignments shortened? Do you want to do your assignments in a different format: written, oral, on a large white board and send pictures of them to your teacher, etc.?  

Would audio books be helpful? (If you get these, insist that your child read along with the reader, so he/she sees the actual words while listening to their pronunciations.) 

Would it be helpful to receive a study guide for a test a week before the test?

 Do you need more time for assignments and tests? 

Do you need modifications for paper tests and/or computer tests? 

Questions like these support good discussions helping your child and you realize more about how they are processing information and what in their environment is helpful and what is not. These are thought-provoking, self-examining questions that your child probably has never before been asked. By answering them, they are taking greater control of their own learning.  

It may take your child a bit of time to truly come up with his/her best, most beneficial answers.  I feel it’s always a good idea to brainstorm over several days or a couple of weeks having them carefully think about each question as they move through their school day and homework.  

By working closely with your child’s teachers to help your child answer these questions, you are setting up a win, win, win for your child, for you and for their teachers.  

When you, your child and their teacher are very clear about the school environment that is most advantageous for him/her as a dyslexic person, begin to write an official 504 request. 

Below is a possible 504 format that you may wish to use but work with your teacher as the school may have a form the teacher is required to use. 

Possible 504 Accommodations

(Replace student with actual child’s name.) 

Seating – front and center

Sound – needs quiet – quiet voices, away from doorway, away from AC and heating vents, etc. 

Content Vocabulary – provide a week before needed in class 

Class Notes and ALL Directions for Assignments – provide before class. If additional information is needed that is not on the provided material, please physically add it to student’s paper. 

Modified assignments that still ensure successful learning of the concept taught 

Provide access for Books on Tape through National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled and/or other sources. Order these in advance of when student will need them for class. 

Test Study Guide – provide at least a week before test 

More Time as needed for assignments and tests 

Testing accommodations-

-                  separate, quiet setting

-                  provide a “reader” who can read to student and clarify directions throughout the testing time for tests in any subject areas

-                  no true/false questions

-                  no multiple choice questions

-                  all short answer/essay questions with no reduction in grades for grammar or for spelling.


Your next step is to ask for a conference with your child’s teachers and other pertinent school personnel to present your 504 Plan request as all of you will want to work closely together to write the finalized 504 Plan.     

Everyone should honor the requests of a child that learns in different ways than the majority of students and who is taking control of their own learning as a dyslexic person. When their 504 Plan is in place, they will be able to relax and not struggle against their environment as they learn.  

Your part in helping get their 504 Plan in place is just the beginning. 

We know that children struggling to read, write and spell need excellent, compassionate teachers highly trained in how to best teach dyslexic children. However, this training is not widely available or required, so be prepared to both work closely with your child’s teachers and school AND to supplement their learning at home.  

Your participation in your child’s learning at home is absolutely imperative. They have to have your support at home to reprocess what they learned at school.  

You can easily supplement your child’s education at home with Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”. Silent Elephant “e” has proven that we can teach struggling and dyslexic people using whole-body, multi-sensory strategies with effective, explicit instruction in phonemic awareness followed by phonics taught in a precisely organized, systematic, progressive sequence that builds one phonics skill upon another making abstract vague phonics rules clearly conceptual and comprehensible.  

Further, it is written for you with easy to read and easy to understand directions. You will not struggle teaching Silent Elephant “e”. 

Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” takes out the worry and sets you up for success.  

Now you are ready to get moving. You know what a 504 Plan is; why it is important for you, for your child and for the school; and how to get the process started. You also know that you need to provide support at home even if they have a 504 Plan in place because they need to reprocess their learning with your daily.  

And, you know how Silent Elephant “e” can be a part of your journey.  

Last, we want to say, you can always contact us. We would love to support you as you begin to explore your options or begin to talk with your child’s teachers and school.

Don’t hesitate to call Linda Katherine Smith-Jones at 208-859-4406 or Nina Henson at 208-860-3125. 

P.S. To further your quest for knowledge, I suggest reading the excellent book Overcoming Dyslexia (2020 Edition): Second Edition, Completely Revised and Updated by Dr. Sally Shaywitz with Dr. Jonathan Shaywitz.