Now is the Time To Be a Silent Elephant “e” Tutor!
Yes, now is the time!
It is THE time for educators to reach out to children and adults (yes, adults too) through video communication technology such as Zoom to teach reading, writing and spelling using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”, A Phonetic Reading Program for ALL Learners of Any Age Particularly Dyslexic or Struggling Readers.
I never realized how grateful I would be to be able to teach children from a computer screen! When I had to tell the parents of my students I could no longer invite them into my home for tutoring, I was so downhearted. I was worried my kiddos would lose ground in their learning. I was saddened that I would not be seeing their sweet faces and watching their eyes pop in an “a-ha” moment.
Then my son suggested I just take my tutoring online using Zoom. I had never heard of Zoom and was a little unsure. Within one day, he had me all set me up to tutor 19 children! I was back with my kids watching their smiles of learning!
I am so grateful for this fun learning experience. Everyday I appreciate seeing delighted smiles on my beautiful students’ faces! I’m so happy to hear their joyful voices when they say, “Hi, Mrs. Jones!” I know they can see and feel my love for them in my eyes and in my voice!
Homeschool educators, here is my thought for you at this time when your friends, neighbors and relatives may be juggling more balls than they ever thought they ever would and feeling great stress in their lives—reach out to them and offer them your expertise at this time.
Since you already teach at home and know how Silent Elephant “e” supports you in making sure your children learn, I encourage you to think about how you could teach your children and other people’s children together using Silent Elephant “e” on Zoom or another platform.
This idea burst forth into my brain a few days ago as I was teaching one of my students, “Carol”, an “ou” lesson in Silent Elephant “e” on Zoom. Carol’s mom, “Mary”, appeared on the screen close to the end of the lesson time. Mary’s face was showing her stress. “I’m sorry to interrupt your teaching time, but I really need your help!
“Carol’s second grade teacher sent a note telling parents that they need to teach their child how to spell words with “ie” and “ei” in them.
“I tried to teach Carol the best way I could, but after a half hour of struggling with both of us becoming extremely frustrated, we were almost in tears.”
“Don’t worry, Mary! I can help.” I comforted her.
“I can teach Carol how to spell words with “ie” and “ei” using the fun “ie/ei” lesson in Part 12 of Silent Elephant “e”. We’ll have lots of fun, because each of the six rules has a silly song to sing! The songs will definitely help Carol remember how to spell the words.
Homeschool educators you are an extremely valuable resource to your neighbors, friends and relatives right now. Reach out to them!! They will love, love, love you!
AND, oh, classroom teachers, my heart goes out to you!
I know that you are deeply missing your kiddos.
I also know that many of you have babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children of your own that you suddenly have to care for and teach while teaching your students on-line.
I know too that you are so concerned that you are providing the best educational environment, the best educational instruction and the best educational practice materials for your much-loved students and your own much-loved children.
With Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” you can rest assured that you are teaching lessons that are researched based using Structured Literacy. You will be able to use direct instruction to explicitly teach phonemic awareness, phonics, orthology, morphology, semantics and syntax while pulling in your students’ background knowledge. Further, Silent Elephant “e” will guide you to meet the individual reading, writing and spelling needs of both your classroom students and your own children you are now teaching.
Silent Elephant “e” is powerfully effective for ALL learners K-Adult —especially those with learning differences such as:
-Children with Dyslexia
-Children with ADD or ADHD
-Children with Speech and Language Disorders
-English Language Learners
-Children with Autism
-Hearing Impaired Children
-Children with Down Syndrome
-Children with Dyspraxia
-Children with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
-Other Learning Differences
Silent Elephant “e” begins with phonemic awareness as the basis for understanding reading and how it “works”. Upon mastery of phonemic awareness, children are prepared to succeed in phonics, the most effective way to teach reading. Phonics rules are taught in a progressive sequence that builds one phonics skill upon another. Each multi-sensory lesson engages the “whole learner” through active participation using stories, puppets, plays, magic, food, drawings, writing, and games enabling students to make sense of the abstract rules of phonics through fun, engaging and memorable lessons.
To make it even easier, all lesson plans are precisely organized with step-by-step “cookbook” directions. All lessons have at least three carefully designed practice papers that you can email to the parents of your kiddos to ensure that your students have plenty of practice to reach mastery of the skill you have taught.
I am so thankful to be able to tutor my students using Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e!
And I am SO thankful that I now understand how easy it is to tutor online with Silent Elephant “e”. Six months ago, I would never have considered it and now it is a wonderful success.
I still get to see their beautiful smiles and the sparkle in their eyes when they reach that special “Oh, I get it!” moment.
We still give each other “high fives” and “fist bumps”—just on the computer screen now! Giggles!
We give each other “computer hugs”! And yes, those “hugs” feel good, because we know they’re filled with LOVE!
I still am a valuable part of their lives. My kiddos know I care about their education. They know I love them!
If you are questioning whether Silent Elephant “e” is the comprehensive reading, writing and spelling program you’d like to purchase, feel free to contact us.