I May Have Teared Up

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I May Have Teared Up 

My dream for children learning with Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” is that they will excel in reading, writing and spelling.  

I imagine parents cuddling up before bedtime with their children. The children are reading more and more words in the books to their parents. 

I imagine parents coming back into their child’s bedroom to check on them—expecting them to be sound asleep. Instead, they discover their child hiding under their blanket with a flashlight shining on the book they just cannot stop reading! 

I imagine a parent beginning to remind their child to finish their chores, but discover their child curled up in a cozy chair immersed in a wonderful book. 

My dreams are coming true for children I teach with Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e”! Please enjoy a wonderful story I want to share with you! 

This past September, I walked into a school to teach an in-service workshop to teachers and parents.  One of the teachers of one of the students I had tutored from home raced up to me. 

She said, “I just have to tell you this! When I walked into my classroom last week, “Carol” was asking another girl if she needed help reading the characters’ names with a summary of each character’s description that I had written on the board for our up-and-coming play. 

“In the past,” she continued, “Carol would have had her head down with her shy eyes barely lifted. She would have been struggling to read the words and most likely would have given up.” 

This compassionate teacher’s voice rose with excitement as she exclaimed, “Now Carol’s shoulders were back, her head held high, a confident smile on her face, and loving gentleness in her voice as she beautifully and confidently read to the children that gathered around her!” 

As I listened to this amazing story, my eyes filled with tears of joy! 

About two years earlier, this sweet then 4th grade girl had begun tutoring with me. She was at a Primer reading level. As of last June, when she graduated from tutoring with me, this now 6th grader is at a 10th grade reading level! I am so proud of her and so honored to have been her tutor for 18 months of her life! 

Help me spread my dream to children around the world who struggle with reading, writing and spelling. Together we can make an incredible difference in their lives!


If you have any questions, contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                                  Nina Henson